It’s Spring time! Usually at the beginning of this season there’s this “Spring cleaning” tradition to make a fresh start after the cold and dark Winter period.
Souvenirs from Indonesia
Last week I got back home from my holiday in Indonesia. We went to visit my family, followed a sightseeing tour for several days and relaxed on Bali. I already start to feel homesick a bit, but I’m sure we’ll go back within a few years.
1,000 Youtube subscribers
In November 2016 my Youtube channel reached a milestone: 100 subscribers! I was really happy to see that people enjoy the video tutorials.
Craft store in the USA
At the end of March I went to the USA for my work. It was my first visit to the USA. After 3 days of meetings, I traveled with two colleagues to the cities Memphis and Nashville.
Visiting craft supplies store Modulor in Berlin
In November Michael and I went for a long weekend to Berlin, Germany. Despite it being Fall, the weather was still pretty good! We did a lot of sightseeing everyday
Open Day at Villa van Alles
On Saturday October 1st I attended the Open Day of “Villa van Alles” (Villa odds and ends) in the Dutch village Rhoon. Villa van Alles is a building where several (creative) entrepreneurs are located.
Business cards
Heep heep hurray! I got myself an early birthday present. It’s something that has been on my wish list for quite a while.. business cards!